U Street
About U Street
Boundaries: 9 blocks from 18th St. to 9th St.
The U Street Corridor is made up of 9 blocks and has long been a popular music scene for Washington, D.C. with historic jazz venues and some of the hottest night clubs and bars in the city. The amount of great restaurants and shops in U Street perfectly compliments the large commercial and residential area as well. Since its gentrification in the 90's, U Street is now considered the hot spot of D.C. for not just music, but restaurants, shopping and of course nightlife.
Notable venues in U Street are the Lincoln Theatre, Howard Theatre and Bohemian Caverns which have been around since 1926. There is so much to do, see and learn in the U Street Corridor for both locals and visitors. Make U Street a must-see for people traveling to the city.